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7 ways to naturally lower creatinine level

7 ways to naturally lower creatinine level

Posted By Suborna Fermi Posted on May 22, 2024

Creatinine is a waste product that can accumulate in your blood because of kidney disease or other health issues. There are many ways in which you can reduce the creatinine levels, such as taking supplements, staying hydrated and following a healthy diet.

Creatinine is a naturally occurring waste that is made when you make use of your muscles. Consuming a lot of protein may also produce little amounts of this organic compound. Your kidneys help in removing creatinine from your body, and it is present in blood and urine.

Healthcare advisors generally recommend taking a creatinine test to understand how well the kidneys are functioning. High levels of creatinine indicates that the kidneys are not functioning as they should. You can find a creatinine test in thyrocare blood test package.

Although high creatinine levels are not life-threatening, it can signify major health issues, such as chronic kidney disease. In this blog, let's find out certain beneficial ways to reduce creatinine levels naturally.

1. Do not take supplements that contain creatine: Creatine is a naturally occurring compound, created by your liver. It is generally used by the muscles for energy. When creatine is used as energy, it comprises creatinine. Creatine is available in oral supplements that generally athletes use to help enhance their performance. However, if you want to reduce creatinine level in your body then avoid taking creatine supplements.

2. Lessen your protein intake: Studies have found that eating massive amounts of protein can temporarily increase creatinine levels. People who eat high amounts of red meat and dairy products are more likely to have higher levels of creatinine than people who do not. So, if you want to reduce creatinine levels, try to switch from red meats to more vegetable-based dishes.

3. Try to eat more fiber: Some studies have found that people with chronic kidney diseases have witnessed significant decrease in creatinine levels. Therefore, if you want to reduce creatinine levels in your body, try to eat more fiber-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes.

4. Reduce your salt intake: Having a diet that has excessive salt can increase blood pressure levels. Generally, processed foods are loaded with sodium and phosphorus, which can potentially cause renal problems.

5. Quit smoking: There is no doubt that smoking affects the body in many ways, including raising your risk of chronic kidney disease. Therefore, quitting smoking can be beneficial for reducing your risk of chronic kidney disease and to lower creatinine levels.

6. Limit your alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can affect your kidney function. Several studies have found that moderate alcohol consumption can reduce the risk of kidney disease. Excessive alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure and damage the kidneys. So, if you drink alcohol, try to reduce your alcohol consumption. You can also take professional help in this matter.

So, these are some of the effective ways which can help you lower your creatinine levels naturally. To measure your creatinine levels you can book a test from thyrocare. High creatinine levels may indicate serious health issues, that is why make sure to incorporate these habits in your daily routine.